Female reproductive health is undoubtedly an important aspect of a woman’s life. The reproductive health of a woman includes her physical well-being as well as her mental health regarding her reproductive health. A woman should also have the right to build happy and respectful relationships and should have a right to choose what is needed for her to have a thriving and healthy life. This means that women should have access to healthcare services that are safe and appropriate.
Access to sexual and female reproductive health that is all-inclusive, respective, and non-discriminative for a woman’s overall physical and mental well-being throughout her life. As a female reproductive system is complex, it is vital to pay attention to keeping it healthy and free of infections and injury. A healthy reproductive system is key to a healthy life, and if a woman decides to get pregnant, it is also important for a safe and healthy pregnancy.
A woman’s sexual and reproductive health includes menstruation, pregnancy, contraception, menopause, cervical screening, abortion, chronic health issues regarding the reproductive system as well as sexually transmitted infections. All these aspects are important when it comes to the well-being of a woman’s life. Issues regarding these aspects of a woman’s life are common; however, she should be able to get all the health services and support she needs in order to have a healthy sexual and reproductive system.
Aspects of the female reproductive system

Menstruation – Menstruation, also known as a period, is the shedding of your uterus lining through the vagina. Healthy menstruation occurs monthly, and usually, a first period occurs between the ages of 9 to 16. A monthly period can cause common menstrual problems such as post-menstrual syndrome, which may include cramps, mood swings, and fatigue. Having access to safe menstrual sanitary products such as pads, tampons, and painkillers at an affordable price is important for a woman’s overall well-being.
Pregnancy – Pregnancy is a blessing for those who wish for motherhood. However, being pregnant and giving birth is not an easy task. A woman needs extra support during this time as she goes through the transformations both mentally and physically. Having extra support, safe medical care, and access to the right reproductive information is also important for the mother and her offspring.
Contraception – Contraception works as a method to prevent pregnancy. Contraceptive methods work in a way that an egg cannot be fertilized to conceive a baby, or a fertilized egg cannot be implanted in the uterine lining to have a baby. There are many contraception methods available such as intrauterine devices (IUD), oral contraceptives, emergency contraception, implants, and barrier methods (Internal and external condoms). Having access to a contraceptive method that suits her needs should be available to any woman to protect her reproductive health according to her needs. Information about the side effects of these contraceptive methods should be provided to the woman as well as medical support.
Menopause – Menopause refers to the end of menstruation in a woman’s life. This also marks the end of reproductive years in a woman’s life, meaning she will not be able to bear a child any longer. A woman usually reaches menopause during the ages 45 – 50 years old. A woman reaching menopause may face a series of symptoms as well as long-term health conditions such as thinning of the bones (osteoporosis) and risk of getting heart attacks. Women facing menopause also should have access to a safe healthcare system to cope with the change.
Cervical screening – Cervical screenings are done to detect cervical cancer. Cervical screenings are recommended for anyone who is between the ages of 25- 74. HPV is a key factor in why cervical cancers develop, and even if you have had the HPV vaccine, it is recommended to do regular cervical screening to detect any early signs of cervical cancer. If detected in the early stages, cervical cancer can be treated. Proper and affordable healthcare systems are important for female reproductive health.
Abortion – Abortion is the process of terminating a pregnancy. While it is not legal in many societies, abortion should be safe medical care for women in need. A woman should have the choice to make a decision about an unplanned pregnancy, as it could affect her physically, mentally as well as financially. A safe abortion can be done by taking medication or by a surgical procedure. Access to safe abortion is a right that women should have in order to protect their reproductive health.
STIs – Sexually transmitted infections are more common than you think. While most STIs can be treated, there are a few that can cause life-threatening effects to you if left untreated. Having access to information and knowledge about these infections at a young age is vital when it comes to preventing STIs for both genders. For a healthy female reproductive system, having access to information and non-judgemental medical care is really important.
Chronic health issues – Some women may face chronic health issues in their life regarding the reproductive system. These chronic health problems include endometriosis and Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). These health conditions are complex and long-lasting, causing various issues in a woman’s day-to-day life as well as her reproductive health. Getting the right help and medical care, and support is very important when it comes to these conditions, as it aids the woman in coping with the experience in a positive manner.
A woman’s sexual and reproductive health is important for her to lead a healthy and happy life. It is also important for her as well as her loved ones since having good reproductive health aids her in achieving her full potential in life. The female reproductive system is undoubtedly complex; however, access to medical care and support regarding female health is massively important for the safety of the woman. If a woman wishes to be pregnant, having a healthy reproductive system is a plus for her as well as for the health of her baby. Female reproduction affects a woman in many ways, so providing the necessities to keep her healthy is important in a woman’s life.